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FOCA Elert - March 2023

FOCA Elert ~ March 2023
Make sure you see all the updates - 
you're at the end when you see this image again.
(image: arriving at the FOCA AGM & Spring Seminar on March 4, 2023)
FOCA Serves Lake & Road Associations
FOCA's 60th anniversary Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Spring Seminar for Member Associations was held on March 4th, as we "came out of our shells" and returned to more in-person events - despite Mother Nature's best efforts to keep us from travelling due to intensely snowy weather! 
For this event we had over 200 participants, both digitally and in-person. In addition to the business of the AGM, we had a full slate of speakers on cottage country hot topics including fire safety, Lyme disease and ticks, land use planning in a Bill 23 world, biodiversity and more hot topics. The extensive Event Summary (and links to all the slides presented) is available for all members to download, here:
If you need help with the member login, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance during business hours.
Get your cottage ready with reliable and fast internet
Spring is here! Stay connected at the cottage with powerful WiFi coverage and reliable Ignite Internet, powered by wireless home internet technology.
Visit to view packages and check availability at your address, or visit the Rogers booth at your nearest cottage show. See you there!
Orillia Home Show Apr 22nd - 23rd 
Barnfield Point Recreation Centre, 500 Atherley Rd, Orillia, ON L3V 1A1 
Bay of Quinte Home Show Apr 28th - 30th 
Trenton Arena, 240 RCAF Road, Trenton, ON K0K 3W0 
FOCA Champions Safe & Affordable Rural Living
Mandatory PFD Wear Under Consideration 
Over the last 12 years of OPP marine unit statistics, of the 289 boaters who have died on the water, 88% of them were not wearing a PFD (personal floatation device), and more than 85% were in vessels shorter than 6 metres in length. As part of making the boating experience safer, FOCA has long encouraged everyone to wear a PFD when on the water, as have our colleagues at the Lifesaving Society, Canadian Safe Boating Council, Boating Ontario, the Ontario Provincial Police and others.
This Spring, Transport Canada will be seeking input on proposed changes to Small Vessel Regulations which would require all boaters and passengers to wear a PFD on boats. The public review will take place through the Let's Talk Transportation website likely starting in April.
In the meantime, tell FOCA what you think: Should PFD wear become mandatory?
Please take FOCA's quick anonymous survey by April 15th, 2023, and share the link with others:
Spring Freshet Safety
The “freshet” is the annual spring thaw of snow and ice in our watersheds. Quick melts and heavy rain can contribute to flooding, as ground that is still frozen does not absorb extra moisture easily. Even if your current watershed conditions are not suggesting higher flood risks, conditions can change quickly, and bring the potential for near-shore flooding; being prepared is the best possible approach for waterfront property owners.
Learn more about being prepared, and find links to flood messaging, on FOCA's Water Levels webpage.
Also, read how Ontario Power Generation is using simulated scenarios to prepare their teams for the spring freshet this year.
TSW Seasonal Water Level Notice
In related news: with the onset of snowmelt and a significant amount of rain forecasted coupled with warm temperatures, flows and water levels are expected to increase at all locations across the Trent-Severn Waterway (TSW), as the rain and melting snow work their way through the system. The TSW Management Team will be active throughout, and changing conditions will be closely monitored. Any watershed conditions updates will be released by your Conservation Authority or local Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources district.
upcoming events: FOCA Cottage Succession Seminars
FOCA is thrilled to be on the road again with estate lawyer Peter Lillico, helping families to plan for the intergenerational transfer of the cottage! We hope you'll join us at one of our 2023 events, or speak with us about becoming a host for an event for your member Association (a few 2023 spots remain!). Here's the event calendar, so far:
  • March 22, 2023 (completed) by webinar for the Sunny Lake Cottage Association
  • Sat., June 3rd in-person for Hastings Highlands FOCA member groups including the Baptiste Lake Association, Diamond Lake Cottage Owners Association, Kamaniskeg Area Property Owners, Lake St. Peter Property Owners' Association, Mink Lake Property Owners Association, Papineau Lake Cottagers Association, and the Salmon Trout Property Owners Association
  • Wed., June 7th by webinar for the Bennett & Fagan Lakes Association
  • Wed., June 14th by webinar for the Severn River Assoc. of Property Owners
  • Wed., June 21st by webinar for the Farlain Lake Community Association
Learn more about the topic, purchase access to a digital recording of a previous session, and get event details on our webpage:
FOCA's Gold Level Sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
FOCA 2022 Achievement Award
Congratulations to the Wolfe Lake Association Westport in South Frontenac, recipients of the 2022 FOCA Achievement Award! This annual Award celebrates the successes of the FOCA community and encourages us all to share success stories and best practices among member associations.
The Wolfe Lake Association is celebrated for their “Let’s Get the Lead Out” initiative.
Over 170 pounds of lead fishing tackle was collected in 2022, keeping this source of contamination out of the waterway. Neighbouring lake associations joined the initiative, and a grant from South Frontenac Township helped to fund $10 vouchers for those who turned in lead fishing tackle. Learn more:
The award was presented by FOCA Board President Ian Crawford to Margie Manthey of the Association, who was one of the project leads on the Lead Tackle Buy-Back Program.
FOCA also awarded a number of Honourable Mentions for 2022 Association accomplishments: Kamaniskeg Area Property Owners, Menominee Lake Association, Kennisis Lake Cottage Owners Association, Talpines Property Owners Association.
Congratulations, all! Learn more about each of their association success stories:
FOCA Serves Lake & Road Associations
CLEO survey: Nonprofits' Legal Needs
FOCA's colleagues at Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) have launched an Ontario-wide survey to get a picture of the legal needs of nonprofits relating to governance, employment law, and privacy/record keeping. The survey is anonymous and has 15 questions that will help CLEO tailor future legal supports, but may also help your association become aware of related documents and tools that might be available to you. Click here to take the survey. Members: Please forward this information to the appropriate representative in your association!
TIP: Have you consulted these FOCA member resources?
FOCA wants volunteer associations to thrive! FOCA is the hub of a network of 525 member Associations with critical first-hand information about governance practices, engagement, success stories, and shared experiences. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel” when there are handy resources to be shared among FOCA members.
First, login on the FOCA Association Governance & Best Practices webpage for access to these materials and more:
  • digital download: Starting & Building an Effective Waterfront/Lake Association, or Starting & Building an Effective Road Association
  • webinar recording: how incorporated associations can comply with the Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations Act by the deadline in 2024
  • templates for creating a full Association Welcome Binder, or a handy one-page visitor etiquette and information sheet.
Next, visit the Economic Impact webpage for access to FOCA's 2022 report on the $11.44B annual spend by waterfront property owners (WPO) in Ontario, including a breakdown (see the appendix) by upper-tier municipality of numbers of waterfront properties, and associated annual spend & local job impacts.
Then, learn about how to leverage this information, raise your political voice, and engage effectively with your municipal partners, on FOCA's Municipal Government webpage.
Don't have or can't recall the FOCA member login? 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance during business hours. 
Sharing Member Success Stories
Ongoing Haliburton Work to Understand Eurasian Watermilfoil
FOCA member group, the Drag and Spruce Lakes Property Owners Association, has undertaken a longer-term study on the impacts and potential controls of Eurasian watermilfoil, an aquatic invasive plant. They hope others will be able to benefit from their experience. Review their work in a short video (also the source of the image at the side), which is posted here:
FOCA Advocates for Responsive Government
Underused Housing Tax Update
Are you an affected owner of residential property in Canada that needs to file the Underused Housing Tax form to the Canadian Revenue Agency by April 30, 2023? Find out who is affected, get updates about filing penalties, and a link to the tax form on FOCA's webpage:
Floating Accommodations 
FOCA has made official comment on the public consultation about Floating Accommodations. The original proposal underwent wording amendments in response to concerns raised by the boating community that, as written, it could change or limit boat mooring access. The Environmental Registry public comment period continues to April 11, 2023. Get information and read FOCA’s submission on our webpage:
Parks Canada - Waterway Investment
March 22, 2023 - The network of protected areas administered by Parks Canada received an announcement of approximately $74 million over three years, for projects related to critical infrastructure improvements along the Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site, which welcomes more than 1 million visitors each year. This investment will include repairs to the Kirkfield Lift Lock and recapitalization at Lock 42 - Couchiching, as well as Little Chute Dam "G" near Port Severn, and Healey Falls Locks 16 and 17, among other undertakings. Read more from Parks Canada (download PDF, 3 pages).
FOCA Promotes Healthy Lands, Lakes & Rivers
new funds: Green Shovels - Invasive Phragmites Projects
Following successful projects by FOCA member Associations undertaken in 2022 with Green Shovels Collaborative funding, FOCA is pleased to issue a new call for funding proposals from our member Associations for on-the-ground projects focused on invasive Phragmites, to start this summer and be completed by February 2024. Apply by May 1st for up to $4,000 in funding. Access the application form on our webpage:
Celebrating World Water Day 
March 22, 2023 was World Water Day, and FOCA posted to Facebook about how blessed we are in Ontario, bordering on 4 of the 5 Great Lakes, and with over 250,000 named inland lakes that all need our care and attention. Thanks to everyone across our province who works tirelessly on behalf of the future generations that will enjoy these beautiful waterways because of your commitment to stewardship!
Have you connected with us on Facebook yet? Please do.
Celebrating 60 Years of FOCA
Our Shared History
On January 7th, 1963, 125 people representing 40 cottage associations met and decided the time was right to form a provincial association. By the spring of 1963, the organization was called The Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations. Today, FOCA represents 50,000 families in more than 525 lake, road, river and residents' associations. 
Were you involved with FOCA in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s? 
We have few photographs from that era of our organizational history. If you have images of past FOCA events or directors, historic pictures of your own lake Association in action through the decades, or images that capture the essence of cottage country, please share them with FOCA this year.
CALL-TO-ACTION: We're looking for your help identifying FOCA Directors and volunteers from the 1960s. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you can help us to verify the identity of individuals and organizations that were involved in the early days of FOCA, so we can invite them to share in our Silver Anniversary celebration later this year!!
YOUR NEXT ROLE: Upload your images to our community photo project: "Ontario Cottaging through the Decades." Please use this link and share it with other cottage country enthusiasts:
Each month throughout 2023, we'll share some of the submitted photos in the Elert.
Here's another amazing submission:
This photo, submitted by Jane Bunnett, is believed to show the first cottage built on Lake St. Peter (Hastings Highlands) in the1930s with pine logs cut from the property by Allan McCormack (pictured) who was Jane's grandfather. Jane and her husband Larry still own the property today, and have kept the original cabin on the property. Thanks for sharing this with us!
There are many ways YOU can contribute to FOCA's 60th anniversary celebrations:
  1. submit pictures to our archival photo project
  2. hold the date & plan to join us for our 60th anniversary celebration event on Saturday, September 23rd in Peterborough, Ontario 
  3. make a donation today to support the future of FOCA's work on behalf of waterfront Ontario
  4. PSSST! Pass it on. Be part of our campaign to refer a friend or an association to become a new FOCA Member, and you could win a prize this year.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Volunteers like you make this organization strong.
FOCA's Silver Level Sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Partner Updates & Regional Notices
2023 Spring Cottage Life Show
March 23-26, 2023: FOCA was busy at the Spring Cottage Life Show last week! It was wonderful to see everyone in person, and to browse the aisles looking for this year's cottage essentials and temptations.
Peter Lillico, the estate lawyer who delivers FOCA's Cottage Succession Seminars, spoke on the Cottage Life Main Stage each day to standing-room-only crowds about tips for passing the cottage to the kids. (Remember to register for an upcoming session with Peter, or check out his video recordings.)
Saugeen Valley Watershed Report Card Released
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA - including Bruce, Dufferin, Huron, Grey and Wellington Counties) has released its comprehensive summary of the state of water quality, forests and wetlands in the Saugeen Valley from 2017 to 2021. Prepared in partnership with Conservation Ontario every 5 years, this "report card" offers essential insights into the current conditions and trends in the watershed. Get details online here from SVCA.
Thunder Bay Area Workshops & Guided Hikes
The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority is leading a series of workshops and guided hikes as part of their 2023 Watershed Explorer Programs running from April through September this year. Sign up for an "Owl Prowl", "Birding 101", "Spring Photo Workshop", "Fall Mushroom Hike" and more! Find details and links to register:
Muskoka Water Quality Report Released
Our member group, the Muskoka Lakes Association, has released their 2022 water quality report as part of 20 years of volunteer-driven data collection. The report includes data about Lakes Muskoka, Rosseau, Joseph, as well as nearby affiliated lakes and river courses. Get details about the 2022 regional results online here:
upcoming webinar series: Freshwater Stewardship Community
Our colleagues at Watersheds Canada are hosting 4 webinars:
  • April 5, 2023 - "What Makes a River 'Healthy'? exploring the health of the Upper St. Lawrence River
  • April 10, 2023 - "Biomonitoring & project STREAM" using DNA metabarcoding to analyze bulk samples of benthic macroinvertebrates from rivers across Canada
  • April 17, 2023 - "Community Climate Data Tracking in Prince Edward Island"
  • April 27, 2023 - "Bank Swallows" by Birds Canada
Get details about each event and register on the Watersheds Canada website.
(also the source of the image above)
upcoming webinar series: Baseline Coastal Habitat Survey for the Canadian Great Lakes
April 19-20 and 26-27, 2023 - Register to attend a webinar series about a novel baseline coastal habitat survey for the Canadian Great Lakes that was recently completed by Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Existing coastal habitats including wetlands, shorelines, inland lakes and ponds have been catalogued, classified, mapped and surveyed. Click to download an overview (PDF, 3 pages) which includes the link to register for all 4 sessions.
FOCA's Bronze level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Dock in a Box
FOCA is Building Capacity & Growing the Network
Water Canada Advisory Board Appointee
We're proud to announce that FOCA's own resident water expert, Executive Director Terry Rees, has been named to the 2023-24 Water Canada Advisory Board!
Learn more, and link to Water Canada's extensive online resources, here:
FOCA's Board of Directors
At the 2023 AGM, we thanked 5 outgoing FOCA Board Directors for their volunteer service to our organization!
  • Terry Beettam
  • Tony Lepine
  • Barb LeVasseur
  • Wendy Lyttle
  • Daryle Moffatt
We are also pleased to welcome two new Board Directors:
  • Mo Jansons
  • Michael Peterson
Learn more about all our Board and our Staff on this webpage: Our Team
Final Thoughts
Stewardship Bingo
We each have an important role to play, in the health of the Ontario waterfront. The choices we make at our waterfronts - from naturalized shorelines to maintained septic systems - have a direct impact on water quality and healthy and happy rural communities.
Are you a "Stellar Steward"? A "Water Winner"? A "Potential Protector"? Download FOCA's Stewardship BINGO card to find out (PDF, 1 page). Give yourself 1 point for each action you've taken, then tally up your results. How'd you rate? Then share this BINGO card with a friend.
FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations, 
the voice of the waterfront for the past 60 years.
Connect with our channels:
Find out more about YOUR ROLE, today.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 705-749-3622 |
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FOCA believes everyone has the right to hear about issues that affect waterfront Ontario. 
Those who have an existing relationship with FOCA may receive email from us, based on principles of Express or Implied Consent in Canadian Anti Spam legislation. 
You can unsubscribe from Elerts at any time, using the 'Safe Unsubscribe' link below.

FOCA Elert ~ August 2022

FOCA Elert ~ August 2022

Laughing Child Banner

FOCA Events

Save the date: FOCA Fall Seminar

Saturday, November 19, 2022

by webinar 9:00am - 12:00pm


Our annual Fall Seminar for Lake and Road Associations will be held by webinar this year. Plan to join us for updates on FOCA's work, results from our recent surveys, the launch of our revised website, and the release of a forthcoming significant report about theeconomic impact of waterfront property owners across Ontario! Also, get association tips for engaging with your incoming municipal council as they head into their 4-year term. 


For now, hold the date. Details will be posted here:

Registration will open in September and you'll be updated in the next Elert.

FOCA Surveys

survey recap: Cottage Country Hot Topics & FOCA's Roles

Thanks to the hundreds of you who took part in our June 2022 survey, asking about thetop issues facing cottage country, and FOCA's related roles, communications and member benefits. Here are some highlights (we'll share more at the FOCA Fall Seminar): 


97% of those with an opinion (n=487) agreed with the statement, "FOCA has information worth sharing with others." Thank you, and please keep sharing!


We heard that you value: FOCA's advocacy, our network, our programs, our communications, and your member benefits (like a member price on events, dedicated online resources, and discounts or deals from our partners and corporate sponsors). However, some folks said "A lot of these I didn't know about" or "My association hasn't been sharing that information with us." As a result, we've decided to feature one membership benefit each month in the Elert; check out the new section, below: FOCA Member Benefit: a Highlight! 


1/4 of our survey respondents live at their waterfront year-round (n=696). Although these hundreds of respondents only represent a fraction of the thousands of waterfront property owners in Ontario, this bears out the shift we've noticed since urban real estate began to get out of reach, and especially since the pandemic started in 2020.

new FOCA survey: Trends in Waterfront Ontario 

With this question about usage in mind, we are now launching a new survey to help us learn more. Did you use your property more, less, or the same amount as usual, during the past two pandemic years? Do you have year-round access? Are you on an island? A private road?


Also, we received hundreds of responses in our June survey about the top current cottage country issues. See what made the “top 10”, and help us decipher which ones should be at the very top of the list, in this new survey.


Participate by September 23rd, and please share the survey link widely with all your community contacts:

Feel free to post the link online; we'd like to hear from everyone in this survey!

FOCA Champions Safe & Affordable Rural Living

Short-term Rentals

There are several new entries on FOCA's webpage devoted to the topic of short-term rental (STR) in cottage country:

  • Airbnb has announced new 'anti-party' technology tools
  • Tiny Township and Haliburton Countyhave each announced new regulations
  • FOCA's Terry Rees was interviewed on the Cottage Life podcast about STR and encouraging positive behaviour amongst cottage visitors.

Access these links & earlier news:

Cottage Succession Planning

Thank you to the hundreds of registrants who participated in FOCA's August 17th succession seminar. We have 3 more sessions scheduled:

  • September 21st - "An introduction to Cottage Succession" hosted by the Manitouwabing Lake Community Association
  • September 22nd - "An introduction to Cottage Succession" hosted by the Jack's Lake Association
  • September 28th - a deeper diver into "Targeting Tax" hosted by the Chandos Lake Property Owners Association.

These valuable events are free for FOCA members! Get details, links to register, and access to purchase recordings of past talks on our webpage:

FOCA's Gold level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
FOCA Advocates for Responsive Government

Funding Committed to High-Speed Internet

The Province of Ontario announced they have signed agreements with 8 service providers, and committed nearly $4 billion to bring high-speed internet access to up to 266,000 unserved and underserved homes and businesses by the end of 2025. Link to this news and related updates, on FOCA's Rural Utilities webpage.

Municipal Elections

Municipalities have begun to post election information, in advance of theOctober 24, 2022 election date. See an example of handy video resources from the Township of Douro-Dummer here. NOTE: voting methods will be different in different municipalities. Find your own municipality here.

Lots of Council seats up for grabs 

In related news, the last date to register as a candidate in the upcoming municipal elections was Friday, August 19th. According to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), for the 2022 election, there are 2,861 positions to be decided. Check your municipal website (the link to find your municipality is above) for details about your local voting methods, and list of candidates. Visit for more about who can vote.

Are you on the List?

Importantly, FOCA reminds you to ensure you and your spouse are on the Voters' List in the municipality of your Ontario waterfront property, for the October municipal elections. Note that after September 1st, you will have to contact your municipal clerk to be added to the list of eligible voters.

FOCA Member Benefits: a highlight

A Voter Engagement Guide for Associations

FOCA member Association representatives can login on the FOCA website to access a digital Vote for your Future Toolkit; enter the member login for access to this members-only resource. This guide has your overview about who can vote, frequently asked questions, how to communicate to your members about the municipal election, holding "all-candidates" meetings, and much more. Although written for the 2018 election, the advice holds; only the dates change!

Remember to check out all the current member benefits for your Association, and our member families, here: If you need help accessing your benefits, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Municipal Partner Feature

Watershed Planning - Muskoka

As part of Phase 2 of the District of Muskoka's "Making Waves: Integrated Watershed Management" Initiative, a review of land use policy is underway to identify how natural capital (water, forests, wetlands, rock barrens, species) could be effectively managed through an 'environment-first' approach across the entire watershed, in order to sustain ecosystem services for the community and the economy. Learn more about Linking Natural Capital and Land Use. (PDF, 2 pages)

FOCA's Silver level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.

New Partner Article of Note

Citizen Scientists: stewards of community trust

Can citizen scientists counter anti-science attitudes and help to build public trust in science? Or, is the recent popularity of citizen science indicative of growing public hostility towards professional expertise in favour of 'alternative facts' in a 'post truth' era? Does the democratization of science (by involving unpaid citizens) marginalize the authority of science 'experts' on subjects of environmental policy, or make it more relatable and 'real'?


A new article published this August in Environmental Sociology, written by FOCA and our University partners, addresses these themes. The article springs from a qualitative case study of our Lake Partner Program volunteers. Get a link to the article, and more about citizen science, here:

FOCA thanks our dedicated Lake Partner Program volunteers, and all of you who participate in local sampling, monitoring, or species counts! Your efforts help to advance important science in our watersheds, and your role as science communicators is crucial in this day and age.

image: Brenda Ferris

FOCA Promotes Healthy Lands, Lakes & Rivers

Green Shovels: Phragmites control

Phragmites australis is one of Canada's worst invasive species. It is a serious threat to biodiversity and causes extensive negative socio-economic impacts. This summer, FOCA sought proposals from our Member Associations across the province to run projects addressing invasive Phragmites control at the local level. Five FOCA Member Associations were successful recipients of Green Shovels funding and the work is now underway! 

In related news, our Green Shovels partners at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) are working in and around Georgian Bay to control Phragmites australis. They want landowners to know that taking action to stop this invader in its tracks on your own shoreline makes a difference! What can you do? See the NCC instructional video with great tips for identification and removal. Get a link to the video, best management practices guides, and much more on FOCA's webpage:


Thank you to our many IsampleON volunteers who collected water samples this season. The program used the help of volunteer citizen scientists to monitor for and prevent aquatic invasive species introductions in Ontario’s inland lakes. The program will contribute both to local knowledge, and a broader understanding and awareness of aquatic invasives through provincial data repositories.


Volunteers: if you haven't yet sent pictures of your local efforts,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


IsampleON is a citizen science program targeted at water sampling for invasive zebra mussels and spiny waterflea. Learn more about this year’s program, here:

Asian Carp Response Plan

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), has developed an Asian Carp Response Plan under the Incident Command System (ICS)framework. An ICS response is activated when an Asian carp is sighted and verified. Staff get to work, assessing the fish and its fertility, and efforts may include on-the-water activities to capture others in the area. 


Great Lakes Members: You may hear from FOCA by email in instances where the ICS framework is not activated but there is value in alerting local communities of confirmed Asian carps sightings or captures, so you can be helpful eyes on the water for further sightings. Learn more, here:

Partner Updates & Regional Notices

Early results: Ash = More Syrup!

As described in a mid-August Facebook post, the early results of efforts to spread wood ash in sugar maple forests has yielded some exciting results: after just one season, there was on average twice as much sap produced from trees in the ash plots, compared to the control plots. Read more in the Dockside Publishingonline article, using the Facebook link above. FOCA has been following developments of Dr. Norman Yan and the Friends of the Muskoka Watershed's project,AshMuskoka, for a number of years now. Very 'sweet' results!

last call: Mississippi-Rideau Survey

Property owners on the following lakes in the Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region are reminded to respond to a Rideau Valley Conservation Authority survey about private drinking water systems by August 31, 2022. Access the survey here.The selected Rideau lakes are: Eagle, Wolfe, Christie, Otty, Bass, Otter, Upper Rideau. FOCA is pleased to be part of this important research and we look forward to sharing the subsequent recommendations.

IJC Commissioner visits flooded Rainy-LOW Area

The International Joint Commission (IJC)Commissioner, Lance Yohe, visited the aftermath of spring flooding in the Rainy River-Lake of the Woods (LOW) basin, together with staff and members of the International Rainy-LOW Watershed Board's Water Levels Committee. The group met with many affected by flooding across the region on both sides of the border including First Nations, municipal leaders, business owners, and others. They discussed the historic flooding, a result of extreme precipitation during a wet and cold April and May, and offered their thoughts on resiliency, rebuilding, and when waters would recede. Read an account of their visit in this August update from IJC.


Throughout August, the water level on Lake of the Woods has continued to recede, although the most recent report (August 29th) from the Lake of the Woods Control Board (LWCB) indicated the current level is still over the 95th percentile for this time of year. Get the details from LWCB.

Muskoka Lakes: Dark Sky By-law input

The Township of Muskoka Lakes is seeking public input about updating the Dark Sky By-law which regulates outdoor illumination. Get information and provide your feedback here.


For more on the topic of night light, read the article by Robert Dick in last year's FOCA Lake Stewards Newsletter (PDF, 32 pages; see pp.10-11).

image: R. Dick

Tay Township: Dock By-law?

During a Committee meeting earlier this month, Tay Township's Manager of Planning and Development Services proposed that the Township consider implementing a Zoning By-law for dock size, similar to the one already on the books in the neighbouring Township of Georgian Bay. Read more from Cottage Life on the topic, from a link on FOCA's webpage:

Great Lakes Public Forum

September 27-29, 2022 - Niagara Falls & virtual. This forum will provide an opportunity for members of the public, organizations, and agencies with an interest or involvement in the restoration and protection of the Great Lakes to learn, share, and participate in discussions. The Governments of Canada and the United States will discuss the state of the Great Lakes, restoration and protection opportunities and binational priorities for science and action, and invite the general public to participate and comment on these plans. The International Joint Commission will also discuss and receive public input on the Progress Report of the Parties. Get a link to more info & how to register by Sept. 5th:

FOCA's Bronze level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Dock in a Box
Final Thoughts

Looking for a long weekend activity that's free, easy, and good for you? Do some forest bathing! 


Forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku, is the term used in Japan to refer to the practice of immersing yourself in a wooded area and taking time to take in the trees through your senses. The practice can lower your stress, boost your body's immunity, and improve the quality of your sleep. Set off on a leisurely wander in the trees, without worrying about going too far or having a particular destination in mind. Soak in the goodness. Learn more from the Hamilton Halton Brant Regional Tourism Association's webpage:

The FOCA office will be closed Monday, September 5, 2022. We wish you and your families well on this Labour Day long weekend! Be safe & enjoy the great outdoors.

FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations,
the voice of the waterfront for the past 60 years.
Find out more about YOUR ROLE, today.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 705-749-3622 |
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FOCA believes everyone has the right to hear about issues that affect waterfront Ontario. 
Those who have an existing relationship with FOCA may receive email from us, based on principles ofExpress or Implied Consent in Canadian Anti Spam legislation. 
You can unsubscribe from Elerts at any time, using the 'Safe Unsubscribe' link below.
Laughing Child Banner

FOCA Elert - May 2022

FOCA Elert ~ May 2022
It's a long weekend, and it's a long Elert. Hang in until the end! You'll know you're there when you see this banner image again.
Lead up to the Long Weekend
Cottage Opening Time!
Will you remember everything essential, and - most importantly - will it all fit in the car? Then, will you be able to afford the gas to get there?
In addition to all the packing and planning, print out and bring along FOCA's cottage opening tips sheet, with a dozen important reminders for this time of year:
Long Weekend Updates from the Executive Director
Spend a minute with Terry Rees, FOCA's Executive Director, in a video blog about what's topical as we head into the first official long weekend of summer:
Welcome to summer 2022 in Ontario cottage county!
FOCA Champions Safe & Affordable Rural Living
Be #WakeAware and welcome Marine Ambassadors
FOCA encourages you to join the campaign to Be #WakeAware this May long weekend, and throughout the boating season. We're also pleased to welcome Marine Ambassadors - marinas located from Lake Erie to Sudbury to the Thousand Islands, that have pledged to help spread the word this season about the impacts of wake (hint: it is loon nesting time right now), and how to manage wake.
Your roles:
  1. read and share wake information with neighbours and friends, using the hashtag#WakeAware on social media posts;
  2. check to see if YOUR local marina has signed on as a Marine Ambassador yet; if not, please speak with them about why they should!
Get links to the campaign, and related wake and boating information, from our webpage:
FOCA Cottage Succession Seminars
We've launched the 2022 seminar series with estate lawyer Peter Lillico! Attend a session to learn how to keep your family cottage in the family for the next generation(s).
Upcoming seminars are on our webpage: While registration for most of these events is limited to the host member association, we do have a general introductory session scheduled for mid-August which all FOCA Association members and annual Supporters can register to attend at no cost. Videos covering many of the most popular topics are also available to purchase on the FOCA website at the link above.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if your FOCA Member Association is interested in hosting a virtual Cottage Succession Webinar this year; we still have space for a couple of additional events!Choose the introductory talk or a "deep dive" into taxes, trusts, cottage sharing agreements, and more.
Safe Boating Awareness Week
May 21-27, 2022 - The organizers of this annual boat safety campaign want to remind everyone of their five key messages for boating safety:
  1. wear your lifejacket
  2. boat sober
  3. take a boating course
  4. be prepared - you and your vessel
  5. be cold water safe.
Get information on each of these priorities, plus lots of video resources, here:
Broadband Developments
In April, the Ontario Legislature passed the Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act 2021, committing nearly $4 billion to connect every region in Ontario to reliable, high-speed internet by the end of 2025.
In related regional news, the governments of Canada and Ontario are investing $1.7 million to bring fast, reliable high-speed internet to hundreds of homes, farms and businesses in Huron County by July 2022. Get a link to the full media release, and related news in other areas of cottage country, on our webpage:
Follow Fire Ratings and Burn Bans
Many areas of Ontario have already been under high fire ratings or burn bans for periods of time this season. Get fire safety information and useful links - such as the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System map of fire danger (pictured at the side) - on our webpage:
Wildfire Community Preparedness
May 7th was Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. Your lake or road association can still make plans to hold a community event to improve your community’s fire preparedness! Get tips in the excerpts from theWildfire Community Toolkit from FireSmart. Find the link and related resources on our website:
FOCA's Gold level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
FOCA Advocates for Responsive Government
Provincial Election: June 2, 2022
The provincial election in Ontario will take place on Thursday, June 2, 2022. For waterfront property owners, many important issues are managed at the Provincial level including health care, education, property taxation, tourism, natural resources management and energy policy, through Provincial statute and the accompanying regulations.
  1. determine if you are eligible to vote and if so where (Question: can you vote at the cottage as well as your home riding? Answer: no - not in a provincial election)
  2. ensure you are on the voting list
  3. check out FOCA's sample questions to ask your provincial candidates prior to casting your vote.
Get details, links and more on our webpage:
event recap: All Candidates Environmental Debate in Peterborough
May 12, 2022 - FOCA teamed up with partners to organize an environmental debate with the provincial party candidates in the riding of Peterborough-Kawartha. Questions were provided to the candidates in advance, and the event was live-streamed to YouTube. You can read coverage of the event by KawarthaNOW.
Algonquin Land Claim update
April 2022 – The Algonquin Land Claim Ontario negotiation team recently reported to FOCA and other stakeholders. They have been reviewing input received through the 2020-2021 public consultations, and have developed proposals for local solutions to many of the outstanding concerns, which will now be discussed with the Algonquins of Ontario. Read more on our webpage:
Municipal Grants: Boat Cleaning Stations
The Township of North Kawartha has launched a municipal one-time grant program to support local lake associations in the pursuit of boat cleaning station solutions for their lakes. This falls under the Township's strategic direction for "Environment - Protect and Enhance". The Township will reimburse qualified local associations for 50% of the costs to a maximum of $10,000 upon approval. Get the details on our webpage, and consider how your municipality might bring a similar idea to Council for consideration:
Reliable and Fast Internet now in Cottage Country
Enjoy your time at the cottage without worrying about reliable connectivity!
Whether you’re unwinding or working at the cottage, you can stay connected with Rogers wireless home internet so you can stream and surf to your heart’s content. Rogers also offers seasonal suspend to give you the flexibility to pause your service in the off-season and reactivate when you need it.
Limited time offer with special savings for FOCA members. Get pricing information here: Call your local dedicated Rogers specialist at647-274-5035 to learn more and check eligibility.
FOCA Promotes Healthy Lands, Lakes & Rivers
Lake Partner Program
It's time for spring water sampling!
For Lake Partner Program (LPP) volunteers who do a single yearly sample, you are reminded that you should plan to take your samples during the month of May.
If you changed your address over the past year, or you haven't received your sampling kit, be sure to contact the LPP for assistance: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you to all our volunteers across the province who help make this long-standing water sampling program such an ongoing success! Learn more about the program here:
Remember that springtime means getting back on the water after being out of the boat for many months, after your boat and motor and equipment have not been in use. Please take the time to review safety information and links to pre-departure checklists and cold water safety tips, here: Safety is #1!
upcoming webinar: Healthy Shorelines, Healthy Lakes
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 from 9:00-12:00pm - FOCA and our partners encourage you to join us for a free online workshop showcasing municipal planning tools to protect freshwater. If you are a municipal councillor, planner, or waterfront association member, register to join us to learn what tools are available, and what other municipalities are doing to keep their shorelines healthy.Register here and share this information with your friends, colleagues and neighbours.
upcoming webinar: Zebra Mussels 101
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 @ 7:00pm - Want to learn all about Zebra Mussels in Ontario? Join FOCA and Renata Claudi, M.Sc. from RNT Consulting Inc. for a 1 hour webinar. Learn about the history of Zebra Mussels in Ontario, where and how they are spreading, and how they are impacting our waterways. Everyone is invited toregister for the free public webinar here. Feel free to share this invitation with others.
Clean + Drain + Dry!
As of January 1st, 2022 the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry have regulated watercraft (boats, canoes, kayaks, etc.) as a potential carrier of invasive species, under the Invasive Species Act. Boaters need to take action to look for and remove plant or other invasive 'hitchhikers' from boats before moving between waterbodies.
Members can contact the FOCA office to get signage for your local boat launch to remind people: "It's the Law". Learn more about the new regulations, and how they will help us prevent and slow the spread of invasives:
Ontario Biodiversity Summit Report
The Ontario Biodiversity Council, on which FOCA serves, has issued a summary report with“Key Takeaways and Priority Actions” following the2021 Ontario Biodiversity Summit (held virtually from May to October 2021). A main message from the report: “Healthy ecosystems sustain healthy people and a healthy economy.” Get a link to the report and related news on our webpage:
Lyme Disease & Ticks
Public Health Ontario has released the 2022 revised Lyme Disease risk area map for Ontario, which continues to expand year-over-year. Public Health Units are no longer accepting tick submissions from the public; instead, the public is being directed to citizen science-based initiatives such to submit tick images for identification, instead of specimens. The risks to humans and pets is significant. Learn more, and get a link to enlarge the risk map on our webpage:
Managing the Spongy Moth
For those who are in areas affected last year by the Spongy Moth (LDD moth), it's time to wrap trees and start disposing of egg masses and larvae before they can defoliate your trees. The province posts information about the life cycle of the caterpillar/moth, and tips to manage the pests. Get links and related information on FOCA's webpage:
Blue-green Algae & Climate Change
A disturbing trend is emerging where pristine lakes with no human habitation and low phosphorus levels are experiencing blue-green algal blooms, challenging some of the assumptions about the cause of these blooms. Get a link to an April 18 article, and related links, on our webpage:
Great Lakes Nuclear Facilities
A new report from the International Joint Commission (IJC) Great Lakes Water Quality Board recommends special precautions that governments should take to better protect Great Lakes water quality when it comes time to retire nuclear plants. There are currently 18 nuclear plants located on the shores of the Great Lakes in Canada and the United States. Get a link to the story, and the map of existing and closed nuclear facilities, on our webpage:
webinar re-cap: Source Water Protection
April 20, 2022 - FOCA's Terry Rees was a featured speaker on a panel talking about "Protecting our Source Water" in the Blue Economy Webinar Series presented by the Canadian Water Summit and Water Canada. Get a link to the recording, and learn more about why source water protection is critical, on our webpage:
FOCA's Silver level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Partner Updates & Regional Notices
Flood Warnings in Northwestern Ontario
Over the past week record flow level conditions have been occurring in the Winnipeg River drainage basin in northwestern Ontario. Evacuations have been ordered for cottage areas north of Kenora, in the Black Sturgeon Lake area. Get links to the flood preparedness tips, updates, and a recent presentation by the Lake of the Woods Control Board on the high flow conditions (image at side), on our webpage:
Trent-Severn Waterway opening
For the first time since 2019, the Trent-Severn Waterway will open for navigation in time for the Victoria Day long weekend this year! Get details online from Parks Canada here. The Rideau Canal system will also be open for the long weekend.
image: Trent Severn Waterway National Historic Site webpage
New Fireworks By-law passed
In mid-March 2022, the Township of Muskoka Lakes updated theirFireworks By-law, permitting fireworks only on certain holiday weekends between dusk and 11:00pm. Find out more on FOCA's webpage:
image: Kay Soares
Haliburton County Shoreline By-law
County councillors in Haliburton met in March and April to discuss the proposed shoreline preservation bylaw, searching for clarity and consensus on tree-cutting, setback distances from the water's edge (which remain contentious), buffer zones, public education plans, and ways forward. Read the news in the digital Haliburton Echo.
Short-term Rental: municipal updates
May 2, 2022 - the Municipality of Bluewater in Huron County has a proposed Short Term Rental (STR) By-law that includes licencing fees and demerit points for infractions. Meanwhile, the Town of Bracebridge has reversed its decision to place an interim control By-law on STRs. Get details and links to these updates and related news, on our webpage:
upcoming digital event: What's Happening to our Weather?
Thursday, June 16, 2022 @7:00pm - As part of theGeorgian Bay Land Trust LANDMARK speaker series, David Phillips (senior Climatologist for Environment Canada) will share insights from his 50 year career, how Canada's climate is changing, and what impacts can be expected in local weather. Register for this webinar.
Cataraqui Conservation: Lake Reporting
Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority has launched a new lake reporting digital dashboard with information and resources to learn about the character of the lakes in their region (Napanee to Brockville and north to Bedford Mills), and actions that can be taken to combat cumulative impacts that compromise lake health. Learn more, and investigate the Dashboard.
Council approves year-round load restrictions on some cottage roads
At the May 3, 2022 meeting of Council for the City of Timmins, a bylaw was passed to restrict the weight of traffic on certain seasonal or year-round cottage roads in the area that are maintained by the City. The move was in response to an increase of traffic including forestry or property rebuilding operations. There is a permitting option for emergency access or special situations which may require a security deposit from the user. Get details in the article in the North Bay Nugget.
video series: Climate Change in our Backyards
Severn Sound Environmental Association andExperience Simcoe have created a 4-part video series of climate change in the Simcoe watershed, and what actions municipalities are taking to adapt to and mitigate related changes. Get the link to the video series on our webpage:
Turtle Time
It's the time of year when turtles are on the move, and drivers need to be vigilant. If you come across an injured turtle on the road, contact the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, among other groups across the province dedicated to their care. With World Turtle Day coming up on Monday, May 23rd, review this video from the Toronto Zoo's Adopt-a-Pond program about how to move a turtle safely across the road:
How to help a Snapping Turtle Cross the Road
Trent Severn Waterway Management Plan & public meetings
Interested parties are reminded to comment by June 30th on the Trent Severn Waterways (TSW) Management Plan. Five online public information sessions are being held by Parks Canada, starting next Tuesday, May 24 and ending June 7. Get details and links on our webpage:
FOCA is Building Community in Rural Ontario
event recap: Celebrate Havelock
May 7, 2022 - FOCA had a display booth at this eastern Ontario cottage country event, along with dozens of vendors, information booths, food, and entertainment. We brought "clean + drain + dry" messaging, along with free copies of the Shoreline Owner's Guide to Healthy Waterfronts.
event recap: 2022 Haliburton Lake Stewards Meeting
FOCA was pleased to join the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Associations (CHA) at their annual lake stewards meeting May 14th in Haliburton. In addition to a great slate of lake experts, CHA revealed a number of exciting new initiatives. Learn more about CHA at:
A shout-out to the following partners and collegial organizations that were at the event:
FOCA Serves Lake & Road Associations
Association Members: Do we have addresses for your current executive on file?
All executive (titled) members of our Member Associations can receive a print copy of our annual FOCA Lake Stewards Newsletter. The 2022 edition will be mailed out in late June.
Please ensure we have your current executive list with email and mailing addressesfor your President, Treasurer, Newsletter contact and so forth. Send updates a.s.a.p. toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or reach out by phone (705-749-3622) to check if our records need updating since your last association meeting.
pictured: last year's edition - read it online here
Do your members know about ALL their FOCA benefits?
All members of our Member Associations are entitled to access a series of discounts, special offers, and other benefits. Get an overview (and login for information about the member access codes), here:
You'll need your FOCA Member login for this and other member materials on the website. Don't have, or can't recall, the login? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we'll reply during business hours.
Member Success Story
The Big Basswood Lake Association (BBLA) has partnered with The Kensington Conservancy - their local land trust - to track flora and fauna within the Big Basswood Lake Watershed area, using iNaturalist Canada. iNaturalist is a place to record and share what you see in nature, meet other nature watchers, and learn about Big Basswood Lake's wildlife.
Learn more about the project here: and then think how you could adapt this idea for your own waterfront community!
FOCA's Bronze level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Dock in a Box
Final Thoughts
The FOCA office will be closed on Monday, May 23, 2022.
We wish you and your families well on this Victoria Day long weekend!
Be safe and enjoy the outdoors.
FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations,
the voice of the waterfront for the past 60 years.
Connect with our channels:
Find out more about YOUR ROLE, today.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 705-749-3622 |
Did someone forward this message to you? Join 15,000 fellow subscribers:
Click here to get free FOCA Elerts delivered to your inbox, monthly.
FOCA believes everyone has the right to hear about issues that affect waterfront Ontario.
Those who have an existing relationship with FOCA may receive email from us, based on principles ofExpress or Implied Consent in Canadian Anti Spam legislation.
You can unsubscribe from Elerts at any time, using the 'Safe Unsubscribe' link below.

FOCA Elert - January 2022

FOCA Elert ~ January 2022
FOCA is the Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations,
the voice of the waterfront for the past 60 years.
Hang in until the end! You'll know you're there when you see this image again.
FOCA Serves Lake & Road Associations
upcoming event: FOCA AGM & Spring Seminar
Saturday February 26, 2022
9:00am - 12:00pm by webinar
Note the date: this event is scheduled one week earlier than in past years.
With the health and safety of our members, Board, staff, and guest speakers the top priority, FOCA has decided that our 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Spring Seminar will be held as a digital event by Zoom webinar, rather than in-person.
We have lots of news to share for 2022! Join FOCA for important policy and environmental updates, the AGM at 10:00am, presentation of the FOCA Achievement Award to the 2021 recipient association, and guest speakers. In accordance with our bylaws, Official Notice of the business to be conducted during the AGM will be circulated to members by January 27, 2022. A full agenda for the Spring Seminar will be circulated in February. In the meantime read the overview and find the link to register, here:
What your fellow members say about this event:
“Being new to my lake association executive, I attended for first time and was impressed with the number of resources available.” ~ a 2021 virtual AGM & Spring Seminar attendee
FOCA Advocates for Responsive Government
Opportunities for Rural / Northern Ontario in a Post-COVID World
FOCA is on hand (virtually) at the 2022 Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) Annual Conference, January 23-25, where a new "Model of Innovation and Resilience" has been published. Read about recommendations for the future success of rural communities, and link to the full report from our webpage:
Register to vote in the 2022 Ontario Elections
The upcoming year will be a busy one for Ontario voters, with theOntario Provincial Election and Municipal Elections happening just a few months apart.
Remember: in Municipal elections, you are entitled to vote in eachmunicipality where you or your spouse owns property.
Are you registered to vote in the 2022 Ontario Municipal and School Board Elections on October 24th? To ensure you are on the list, and all your information is accurate, visit:
Electricity Rates
On January 18, 2022 the Province announced a temporary lowering of electricity rates. Find out how much and for how long from a link on FOCA's Electricity Pricing webpage:
Proposed transport of nuclear waste
Canada's Nuclear Waste Management Organization has proposed a plan to move 30,000 shipments of spent nuclear waste through Ontario cities and farmland by truck or rail to either Ignace or South Bruce. Read more in the CBC article posted to FOCA's webpage:
FOCA's Gold level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
FOCA Promotes Healthy Lands, Lakes & Rivers
upcoming webinar:
Septic Systems in Ontario
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 (12:00pm - 1:30pm EST)
Join FOCA and Make-Way Environmental Technologies for a "Lunch and Learn" webinar for homeowners about septic systems, with an overview of the types of septic systems permitted in Ontario, and creative solutions for difficult sites. There will also be a discussion of rainwater harvesting solutions, and the final half hour will be devoted to Q&A. Pre-registration is required, but this webinar is free thanks to event sponsor Make-Way Environmental Technologies, certified installers of the Enviro-Septic system. Register now! Feel free to share the registration link with your neighbours:
Bait Management Zones established
The Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry (MNDMNRF) announced that Ontario has established four Bait Management Zones(BMZs) to protect our lakes and rivers from invasive species and fish diseases. Effective January 1, 2022, baitfish or leeches (whether live or dead) must not be transported into or out of a BMZ. For the map and more info, visit:
Great Lakes ice predictions
The Great Lakes annual winter freeze got a slow start this winter, with ice coverage well below average according to the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL). However, the recent deep-freeze has improved predictions for maximum ice coverage (estimated a mere 10 days ago at only 12.3% of the lakes' total surfaces) to something closer to the annual average. Find out how much that is, and what current predictions suggest, in the Jan.19/22 GLERL blog.
Lake Huron shoreline, Jan.2022. Photo credit: Angela Predhomme, courtesy
Keeping Ontario's drinking water safe
Water Canada has published an article written by FOCA's Terry Rees and Theresa McClenaghan of the Canadian Environmental Law Association, identifying crucial gaps in the current state of implementation of the Clean Water Act to protect source water, 20 years after the legacy of the Walkerton Inquiry. Get the link to the article on our webpage:
FOCA Champions Safe & Affordable Rural Living
Snowmobile Safety Week
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) reminded everyone during Snowmobile Safety Week (January 15-23, 2022) to ride responsibly, for your own safety and for the safety of those who share the trails with you. Understand trail status signs (click the image at the side for details) and get more info and links to safety tips and videos in the messaging from OPP and OFSC.
Septic industry standards update
The Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) reports that the Canadian Standards Association is improving the safety of septic system and holding tank access ports, with mandatory safety screens. Get more on this topic and related information here:
Rideau Canal Permits on sale
Dreaming about the 2022 boating season already? If you enjoy travel on the Rideau Canal, you should be. Until March 31, 2022, save 20% on lockage and 10% on mooring in 2022 when you bundle them together with a seasonal permit package.Details are online here.
FOCA's Silver level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Partner Updates & Regional Notices
upcoming digital event:
2022 ReFrame Film Festival
January 27 - February 4, 2022
The mid-winter celebration of independent documentary film and media art returns for its 18th year. For the first time, ReFrame virtual programs will be available for streaming across Canada!
FOCA is pleased to be a Community Partner Sponsor for the filmMicroplastic Madness about pre-teens taking a deep dive into reducing plastic pollution in their lives, school, and city.
And, as part of "The Earth Sustains Us" series (5 films) is a short film about some FOCA members and partners in the Catchacoma Forest Stewardship Committee, working to protect an Old Growth Forest in Peterborough County.
Pay-what-you-can standalone tickets are available for all the virtual screenings (while supplies last), here:
upcoming webinar:
Lake Simcoe: Aquatic Invasive Species and New Boater Regulations
Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 7:00pm
Join FOCA's partners at the Invasive Species Centre for a webinar about aquatic invasive species in Lake Simcoe, as well as the new clean, drain, dry boater regulations. Get details and register here:
upcoming webinar series:
The Best of Two Worlds: Lessons for sustainability from Indigenous ecological knowledge and western science
Wednesdays at 4:00pm
from January 26 - February 23, 2022
Learn from western and Indigenous environmental professionals' approaches to stewardship of the environment. Speakers (in order of weekly appearance) are Norman Yan; Susan Chiblow; Neil Hutchinson, Richard Nesbitt, Brenda Parlee & Caroline Coburn; David Pearson; and Henry Lickers. Learn more and register here:
upcoming event:
2022 Invasive Species Forum
February 1-3, 2022 - The theme of the virtual forum is "Action, Innovation, and Outreach" and will feature speakers from around the world.
FOCA's Terry Rees will participate in a panel aboutEducation, outreach and community science on Thursday, Februray 3rd (Session 3-C from 2:45pm to 5:10pm). While registration for the virtual event is full, the event may be livestreamed, and session recordings are expected to be available on the Invasive Species Centre YouTube page after the event. For more,visit the Forum webpage.
Georgian Bay & North Channel bursary available
Georgian Bay Land Trust is now accepting applications for the 2022King Family Bursary in support of projects that promote knowledge and appreciation of Georgian Bay and the North Channel's environment, history, communities, or culture. Learn more and apply by February 15, 2022:
Muskoka Stewardship Recognition
The Muskoka Watershed Council (MWC) has launched the Doug Cross Stewardship Recognition Program to help area non-profit organizations reward watershed stewards! Register by January 31st, 2022 to receive a Recognition Package for your great local steward, including a gift card to Hidden Habitat native plant nursery. Get details here.
Kawarthas Tree Seedling Sale
Landowners in the Kawartha Conservation (KC) watershed can improve the biodiversity of their property by ordering and planting tree and shrub seedlings from KC's 2022 Seedling Sale. Order by March 18th, for pickup at Ken Reid Conservation Area on April 29 or 30th. A portion of the cost per seedling is subsidized by Forests Ontario.
Get details, and access to the online order form, here:
More on the subject of what to plant, and where, from KC:
For watershed residents with open areas, coniferous trees (evergreens) can be some of the easiest species to grow, generally in areas with lots of sun and wind exposure. It is recommended if you are planting a large number of trees, that you plant 70-80% coniferous trees. Deciduous trees, or trees that lose their leaves in the fall, are generally less hardy during the seedling stage, and prefer areas of low exposure. Shrubs, typically shorter than trees, offer a great way to provide diversity and habitat on your property; they are an option where hydro wires and other overhead utilities are a concern. (image:
FOCA Fosters Community
Apply for neighbourhood "FireSmart" funding
Lake Associations and other volunteer groups are invited to apply for up to $500 from FireSmart Canada for events to be held this year to reduce wildfire risk and increase preparedness. Wildfire Community Preparedness Day will be recognized nationally on Saturday, May 7, 2022 but your event can be held through October 31st. Get details and a link to the application, here:
Association Members: Do your members know about ALL their FOCA benefits?
All members of our Member Associations are entitled to access a series of discounts, special offers and other member benefits. Get the details (and login for information about the access codes), here:
You'll need your FOCA Member login for this and other member materials on the website. Don't have, or can't recall, the login? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we'll reply during business hours.
FOCA's Bronze level sponsors
Sponsors support our work, please support them.
Dock in a Box
Final Thoughts
Enjoy Winter Walk Day this February 2nd, 2022
Green Communities Canada encourages you to celebrate the annual "Winter Walk Day" on the first Wednesday of February (full disclosure: this year, that's also "Groundhog Day"). Learn more & register to participate with a school-aged relative for a chance to win a $200 Scholars Choice gift card.
Connect with our channels:
Find out more about YOUR ROLE, today.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 705-749-3622 |
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Click here to get free FOCA Elerts delivered to your inbox, monthly
FOCA believes everyone has the right to hear about issues that affect waterfront Ontario. 
Those who have an existing relationship with FOCA may receive email from us, based on principles ofExpress or Implied Consent in Canadian Anti Spam legislation. 
You can unsubscribe from Elerts at any time, using the 'Safe Unsubscribe' link below.


McKLPOA is a nonprofit, member based, Association for the property owners surrounding McKenzie Lake and its watershed.


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