MCCC Membership Information

McKenzie Cross Country Club (MCCC)

Membership Information


The MCCC seasonal membership dues are $50.


MCCC is a social club focus on winter outdoor activities.

McKenzie Cross Country Club primarily started to create enjoyable, well groomed Nordic Ski Trails around McKenzie Lake. The club's goal is to encourage more people to be active and healthy in the wonderful outdoors in our area, through skiing, snowshoeing, toboganning, and other sports. 

It has recently introduced ski, skate and snowshoe rentals to enable more people to get outdoors and active. 

Member Benefits:
      • Funds go to help keeping nicely groomed trails and for future trail expansion. This includes but is not limited to:
        • fuel to run machines
        • tools needed for trail maintenance
        • repair of equipment (big or small)
        • signage for trails
        • drag and cutter maintenance
      • Unlimited free rental equipment (must book use of through the website to ensure availability for all)
      • MCCC Club events (various in the year but can include social get togethers, night skis, special trail access, and more...)
      • Up to date trail grooming and conditions information through our MCCC trail talk forums
Why is there an annual membership?
In the beginning it was only occassionally that trails were groomed and only a small number of people used the trails. It has grown in popularity and grooming is becoming almost weekly (depending on weather) which consumes considerable full and time. ALL FUNDS only go to physical or equipment needs, no one is paid to maintain the trails for their time. Your funds simply go to helping pay for the actual use of items, while all labour is strictly on a volunteer basis by club or association members. 
How does a membership with MCCC work?
  • MUST be a McKLPOA Member to Register with MCCC. In order to register and obtain the MCCC benefits, you must be a member of McKLPOA first. Only McKLPOA members can register with MCCC. see item below
  • ONE membership per property - only one account is required per McKLPOA member property. Yes that's right, for a single membership, you, your extended family members, and even guest have access to all the member benefits of the MCCC. 
  • All season memberships a season starting November 1st through to April 30th. 
  • Membership Registrations and Renewals can be done on the McKLPOA website under the member menu. 
  • Each membership account is automatically signed up for the MCCC newsletter for the primary account holder - our primary communication medium. However, each family member can subscribe to the newsletter separately - so if you have extended family members who all wish to receive a copy of the newsletter, they can sign up on the website separately. This way you will not have to forward the newsletter and they receive it instantly.

How to become a member:

Under the user menu of the website click the link to Join MCCC.

Membership Certificate & Subscriptions Updates
Active members can access their member profile area to download their membership receipt and active member certificate which can be proudly framed and posted ;-)
Go the "My Subscriptions" section in your profile and you'll see a download button for your current certificate. 
Here you can also see all your event participation history and download tickets for events as well which you've signed up for. 


McKLPOA is a nonprofit, member based, Association for the property owners surrounding McKenzie Lake and its watershed.


Member Profile Menu

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