What you need to about McKLPOA.ca Terms of Use

McKLPOA Terms of Use for Website

McKLPOA Member Website Terms of Use

Welcome the McKLPOA member website. Here are a few quick details to keep in mind. In becoming a McKLPOA member, you do not necessarily have to use the website. You can pay the dues and receive newsletters without having to access the website. It is becoming the case though, in our modern world, that much of what we do and information we share will be online so not using the website will have limiting factors the members access to information. We will do our best to accommodate those which cannot or do not wish to access the website.

For those who wish to use McKLPOA member services on this site, here are the Association rules of access and conduct:

Only one login or account will be granted per property.

Each account can have up to 5 emails associated with it, one of which must be the account holders email as the primary.

The primary account holder will be responsible and accountable for actions or activity of the account. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. Ensuring only imediate extended property users have access to the account (this is often extended family, relatives, etc.)
  2. Renter access is strictly prohibited.
  3. Unpolite, rude or in any way offensive activity in the website, including malicious acts will result in immediate banning and closure of the account.
  4. The primary account holder must register in their account under 'other person using property' all persons who have access to the account.

Each property will only receive one membership charge per annum.

Membership dues and status tracking will be performed through the website and you consent to this information being held here in accourdance with McKLPOA Privacy Policy.

McKLPOA reserves the right to terminate website access at any time.

McKLPOA member website access does not mean automatic addition to the McKLPOA Facebook group. That is a separate private group and is comprised of members and non-members alike and application for membership at that site is separate from McKLPOA.

This article may be modified on an ongoing basis as new conditions or details surface which require additional clarification. Please check this page as required.


McKLPOA is a nonprofit, member based, Association for the property owners surrounding McKenzie Lake and its watershed.


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