McKLPOA Membership Information
The McKLPOA annual membership fee is $50.
What is a McKenzie Lake Property Owners Association (McKLPOA) Membership?
A McKLPOA membership is your involvement in the community around you, and signifies you actively support the mission, vison and values of the Association.
OUR MISSION: To connect property owners and stakeholders of McKenzie Lake and its watershed in the maintenance, sustainability and preservation of the natural environment and resources, and to foster a sense of community.
OUR VISION: To ensure McKenzie Lake and its watershed area are maintained and preserved in their natural state, for future generations of property owners and stakeholders to enjoy the same as they do today.
McKLPOA stands for: sustainability, environmental protection, balanced land use, water quality protection, and species protection.
Assocation Membership Means:
- You can vote at the Annual General Meeting on topics concerning your community and it's environment
- Have full access to which has learning resources, information, association information, local talk forums, the Lake Plan and more...
- Access to our online learning courses to increase knowledge of environmental and other topics of interest (this area is growing)
- Get member discounts on McKLPOA official events and swag
- Be confident in collective representation with the Township of South Algonquin, Indigenous Community, Parks and Recreation, Local logging information and more...
- Receive official McKLPOA Newsletter(s) (main newsletter highly recommended for all members) which can include:
- Official Main Newsletter (generally issued quarterly)
- Environmental Committee Newsletter
- Specific Event Newsletter
- Store and Swag Newsletter
- Access to other member information for contacting, etc.
Why is it an annual membership?
What do annual fees pay for?
- Association insurance for directors and event coverage.
- Incorporated fees such as accounting and annual filing fees.
- Potential legal representation as per available funds in reserve.
- Specific events which the executive supports or endorses.
- Website hosting and operation.
- Communication (postage, etc) and various small miscellaneous expenses.
NOTE: Many specific events, initatives or Environmental Committee Actions do not use general membership funds, and have their own funding drives and initiatives to support those costs.
How does a membership with McKLPOA work?
- ONE membership per property - only one account should be the membership account with McKLPOA. In order to do this, you set it up your membership with a login and password that can be shared with your family members who want access. The primary account holder will be responsible for the account use. We will be trying to clean up duplicate accounts per property moving forward.
- All memberships have been set to track as per our AGM cycle. Meaning regardless of when you sign up to be a member, your active status will expire AT the next AGM. You have 60 days prior to expiry to re-register your membership.
PLEASE NOTE: to vote as a member at the AGM, you MUST be a member in good standing (i.e. paid up). - Membership Registrations and Renewals are to be completed BEFORE the Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Our AGM is usually the third Saturday in August. In order for members to vote at the AGM they must renew or activate their memberships. This can be done online or in person before the start of the meeting.
- Each membership account is automatically signed up for the newsletter for the primary account holder - our primary communication medium. However, each family member can subscribe to the newsletter separately - so if you have extended family members who all wish to receive a copy of the newsletter, they can sign up on the website separately. This way you will not have to forward the newsletter and they receive it instantly.
It's very important to take a moment and ensure your information is up-to-date when you register or are renewing your membership annually. It's easy to do, simply go to and ensure the information about your property is up to date in the member profile section.
How to become a member:![NewMember]()
From the user menu select "Become a McKLPOA Member" from the drop down options. Complete the form in full and select a payment option. E-transfer is the preferred method of payment. Management will be notified of your registration, payment will be confirmed and the account will be activated after the verification process is complete.
Renewing your existing or expired membership:
If you don't complete your renewal either before expiry or some other reason cannot online, you will need to email